Life Transitions

Types of Major Life Changes

  • Graduation
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Coming out
  • Pregnancy and becoming a parent
  • Children moving out
  • Career changes/loss of a career
  • Retirement
  • New relationships/ending of relationships
  • Changes in financial situations
  • Changes to family or friend dynamics
  • Starting/Finishing school
  • Moving
  • Health Changes
  • Loss of a loved one

What to Expect

It’s not uncommon to need support navigating your new normal. You may be support for the grief, depression or anxiety that can come along with changes, or you just need someone to talk to or coping strategies for these transitions.

Our therapists assess your needs and provide individual treatment using a variety of therapeutic modalities, so you reach your unique goals and come out of this transition a happier, stronger and more self-aware individual.

Goals of Therapy for Life Transitions

  • Understand the meaning of change at this time in your life, and the way it has touched your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual self
  • Move through complicated feelings and losses associated with a life transition
  • Access your new strengths and resources to overcome the new challenges you face
  • Find inner peace, tranquillity and safety, even amid the chaos
  • Be mindfully aware of the elements of your experience (thoughts, feelings, perceptions, hopes, memories, dreams, expectations) as you consider a new life stage you are entering
  • Realize that this is a new/old chapter in your life
  • Think positive, think of the opportunity
  • Create realistic timeframes and expectations

Our Approach

We will do an assessment of your specific situation and goals, to come up with a targeted and individualized approach to therapy that draws from a variety of the listed modalities

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Change unhelpful and problematic ways of thinking got change unwanted or unhealthy behaviour

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Utilized techniques like meditation, stretching, and breathing to increase awareness of our thoughts, feelings and actions

Person-Centred Therapy

The therapists takes a supporting role to empower and motivate you as you work towards reaching your full potential

Book With...

Clinical Director, Therapist & Mediator
Psychotherapist, Certified Counsellor
Registered Psychologist EMDR Certified
Master’s Psychology & Social Work Registered Social Work – Direct Billing
Mental Health Therapist – Peace River
MACP – Master of Counselling