How Can We Help You?


Did you know?

Your medical plan covers various mental Health Therapists and not just Registered Psychologist! This is because each therapist provides a unique need, so don’t worry its likely you have coverage for our services.

We're Here to Support You and Your Mental Wellness

Individual Counselling

Transform your

Embark on a transformative path towards healing and well-being. Book our comprehensive support service now to receive personalized guidance and compassionate assistance. Take the first step toward a brighter future. Your journey to healing begins with a simple click. Reserve your session today and embrace the support you deserve.

Our Team

Clinical Director, Therapist & Mediator
Psychotherapist, Certified Counsellor
Registered Assessment Psychologist
Canadian Certified Counsellor and Registered Dance & Movement Therapist
Registered Psychologist EMDR Certified
Master’s Psychology & Social Work Registered Social Work – Direct Billing
Mental Health Therapist – Peace River
Master of Counselling Student Counsellor
MACP – Master of Counselling
Registered Psychologist, Assessment Specialist and Certified Play Therapist
Medical Office Administrator
Medical and Office Administrator
Medical Office Administrator

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any additional questions or want to book an appointment, please Contact Us

Fees are due prior to each session. Assessments are paid in two installments, the cost will be finalized once we confirm the type of assessment.

Sunset over pond grass

Counselling, therapy

Individual Counselling
Session time: 50 minutes

Couple walking with toddler

Counselling, therapy

Session time: 1 hour 40 minutes

Woman taking notes


Divorce Services/Mediation
Session time: 50 minutes

Mother and daughter watching a tablet

Supportive Academic Allies

Student Counsellors
Session time: 50 minutes

Person completing a questionnaire

Personal Growth and Success

Session time:
Covered by all medical plans

We know your time is valuable, and ours is too. Out of respect for our staff and our other clients, we ask that you give us at least 48- notice if you need to cancel your session. This includes for reasons of illness.  We can also move your session virtually if needed.

As the time slot is reserved exclusively for you; you will be charged for the full cost of the appointments for which you fail to show up for or provide the designated notice.

Counselling services are covered by most extended health care plans and we direct bill all TelusEHealth connected companies as well as, Alberta Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, RCMP, NIHBVeterans Affairs, Greenshield and SSQ for Registered Psychologists and Master of Social Work (RSW/MSW).  Sunlife often covers therapy and counselling but they do not allow mental health services to be direct billed by any company, you would pay up front and get reimbursement from Sunlife directly.

Provisional Therapists are covered under medical plans and you can be reimbursed for services but we cannot direct bill for all their services. We will make arrangements with you to ensure you can benefit from the services of our great Provisional Registered Psychologists. 

This varies with each individual, couple and family based on their unique scenario and goals. Our team works in a solution-focused manner and will be able to give you a better idea once we meet and discuss your situation and develop an agreed-upon plan for services.

No personal information will be communicated, directly or indirectly, to a third party without your informed and written consent.

Counsellors are required by law to report to the appropriate authorities if there is physical or sexual abuse of a child under the age of 18, if there is reason to believe a person’s life is in jeopardy or if a judge subpoenas a counsellor to testify in court or to release the contents of a file.

Mediation is confidential and all conversations are not to be used within the legal proceedings. Further information on this will be provided through the Mediation contract.

You can see most available appointment times by clicking the button below. If you are seeking a time that is not showing available, please call to speak with us directly for options.

The first sessions are known as intake sessions. In these sessions, we cover the initial paperwork including covering informed consent, privacy and practice policies. The rest of the session is aimed at learning more about you. We discuss what brings you into counselling, your goals and your background. During this time, your counsellor will do an assessment of your mental, physical and emotional health so we can devise a plan which includes goals, expectations, frequency of visits and the expected duration. Your counsellor may also refer you to additional specialists to ensure you get the proper care to reach your goals.

For couples counselling, we recommend that both couples come to a two-hour intake session together. From this point, recommendations may be made for individual counselling.

To provide services with clients under 18 fully informed consent is needed from all parties that hold legal guardianship of the client. This typically means meeting with all guardians to review consent forms and gather relevant information. In most situations this is completed with a joint parent session prior to seeing the minor client.

There are some exceptions to this requirement, which include: if one person has Court documentation outlining sole decision making and if a minor is deemed to be a mature minor. Any exception to joint parental/guardian consent is determined on a case-by-case basis by the therapist.

Psychologists and Master’s level Social workers use their extensive university training to learn the science and practice of therapy. They are trained as experts in the foundations of human behaviour including development, learning theory, neurosciences, personality and motivation. Psychologists and Master’s level Social Workers also have extensive training in cognition, emotion, relationships, evaluation, research, ethics, and how to healthfully effect behavioral change.

Both Psychologists and Master’s level Social Workers have also completed a lengthy registration process that includes clinical supervision, knowledge testing, and the application of provincial and federal laws. Being registered means that both Psychologists and Master’s level Social Workers are bound by a strict code of conduct.

Play therapy is a form of psychotherapy designed specifically to meet the needs of young children(approximately 3 years old to 12 years old). It is a group of interactive therapeutic techniques based on a child’s unique way of processing information; play. Young children primarily act out their concerns rather than talking about them; play therapy uses this to the child’s advantage and gives the child a safe place to act out both their concerns and their solutions. 

Divorce or separation services include:

  1. Mediation – helping in the creation of a parenting plan or Inclusive mediation hearing the voice of your child
  2. Acting as a Family Specialist in the Collaborative Divorce Process
  3. Practice Note 7 Intervention

Please see the Divorce services page for detailed information.