Anxiety Counselling

Anxiety is normal and healthy in the right situation. But when it is no longer in proportion to the situation and negatively impacts your social, work or academic life; it’s time to reach out for support.

What is Anxiety?

There Are 4 Main Types of Anxiety Disorders

Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle tension
  • Nausea or upset stomach
  • Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain
  • Headaches
  • Sweating, tremors and twitches
  • Feeling restless or on-edge
  • Uncontrollable feelings of worry
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleep problems (difficulty falling or staying asleep, restlessness, night terrors or unsatisfying sleep)
  • Irritability

What to Expect

No two people are affected the same way by anxiety, so, there is no “one size fits all” treatment. However, many highly researched therapeutic approaches are effective in treating anxiety.

Our therapists help work with you and your unique situation and goals to develop a targeted approach, drawing from multiple scientific-based modalities to meet your needs.

The goal of the first session is to learn more about the goals you are hoping to achieve from the session. We provide a supportive, non-judgmental environment to explore your concerns. Based on the information you provide, the therapist will create a treatment plan designed to help you overcome your anxiety and allow you to get back to enjoying your life, rather than worrying about it.

Goals of Anxiety Therapy

  • Develop an understanding of anxious feelings; including the symptoms and triggers
  • Learn coping strategies and relaxation techniques to manage anxiety and its symptoms
  • Learn to identify negative and irrational thoughts, challenge them and look at situations objectively
  • Reduce overall frequency, intensity and duration of anxiety and/or panic attacks
  • Resolve the core conflict that may be the source of anxiety
  • Develop a healthy lifestyle and habits that can help reduce symptoms

Therapeutic Approaches

We will do an assessment of your specific situation and goals, to come up with a targeted and individualized approach to therapy that draws from a variety of the listed modalities.

Attachment-Based Therapy

Works to repair and strengthen the relationships between the individual family members

Dialectal Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

Develop healthy coping strategies and mindfulness skills like living in the moment to improve relationships and regulate emotions


Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Utilizes techniques like meditation, stretching and breathing to increase awareness of our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Person-Centred Therapy

The therapists takes a supporting role to empower and motivate you as you work towards reaching your full potential

Positive Psychology

Understand your strengths and virtues and learn how to apply it to your own life and reach your full potential

Strength-Based Therapy

Helps you understand and utlize your strengths rather than focusing on negative characteristics

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Change unhelpful and problematic ways of thinking to change unwanted or unhealthy behaviours

Emotionally Focused Therapy

Helps you learn more about your relationships and your emotions to come to term with traumas and learn skills to improve your relationships

Narrative Therapy

Learn to separate yourself from your problem by relying on your own skills to minimize the problems in your life

Problem-Solving Therapy

Provides tools to identify and solve problems and learn how to cope with your stressors

Somatic Therapy

Combines psychotherapy and physical therapy to connect your mind and body and release pent up trauma

Book With...

Clinical Director, Therapist & Mediator
Psychotherapist, Certified Counsellor
Registered Assessment Psychologist
Canadian Certified Counsellor and Registered Dance & Movement Therapist
Registered Psychologist EMDR Certified
Master’s Psychology & Social Work Registered Social Work – Direct Billing
Mental Health Therapist – Peace River
Master of Counselling Student Counsellor
MACP – Master of Counselling
Registered Psychologist, Assessment Specialist and Certified Play Therapist