Building Resilience Through Abuse Counselling

Abuse Counselling

Restoring Control

Abuse counseling focuses on helping individuals who have experienced various forms of abuse, including emotional, physical, sexual, or psychological abuse. The primary goal of counseling is to provide support, validation, and healing for survivors while helping them develop coping strategies and regain control over their lives.

Here are some key aspects of abuse counseling:

Sexual assault is an unspeakable act – yet the most effective path to recovery is talking about it.

Sexual assault is any action that pressures or coerces someone into something they don’t want to do or impacts a person’s ability to control their sexual activity or the circumstances in which sexual activity occurs.

Sexual abuse, like other forms of trauma, can be very complicated. Symptoms can range from anxiety and depression to feelings of shame and guilt about their abuse.

This can prevent survivors from accessing the help they need to move on. Many survivors go years before seeking help.

Everyone responds to this form of trauma differently and at different times. Some experience immediate reactions of anxietyfearhopelessness and humiliation. Others may forget the abuse – or it’s extent – for years, until it’s triggered as an adult and a memory reappears.

This is your body’s way of telling you that you are ready to cope with these terrible experiences.

Sexual assault encompasses a wide variety of experiences, such as

  • Someone behaving in a sexualized manner that makes you feel uncomfortable, confused or violated (sexualized talk, jokes, revealing their body without your consent, walking in on you in the bathroom, etc.)
  • Sexual content with someone who is unable to give clear and informed consent (drunk, drugged, unconscious, etc.)
  • Producing or sharing sexual pictures without consent or witnessing sexual acts without consent
  • Unwanted rough or violent sexual activity
  • Threatening or pressuring someone into unwanted sexual activity
  • Forced oral sex, rape, restricting access to birth control or condoms
  • Sexual activity between an adult and an individual younger than 18
  • Incest – sexual contact between family members

Goals of Therapy for Sexual Abuse

The goals of therapy depend on the unique situation of the client. Goals can include

  • Address the impact of abuse by connecting the current difficulties with their past experiences
  • Manage trauma symptoms (depression, anxiety, flashbacks, relationship issues, etc.)
  • Developing healthier skills to cope in the present with the pain from the past
  • Learning to reconnect with your body
  • Develop and increase confidence and self-trust

Domestic violence can affect anyone, anytime, anywhere; regardless of culture, sexuality, or gender identity.

Domestic violence is defined as any incident of threatening behaviour, abuse or violence between people who are or have been in a relationship or between members of a family.

This Can Include

Physical Abuse

Involves hurting or trying to hurt someone by slapping, choking or punching, using objects as weapons and/or threatening with a knife or gun

Sexual Abuse

Forcing unwanted sexual acts by using threats, intimidation or physical force

Emotional Abuse

Causing fear by intimating, threatening physical harm to self, partner or children, destruction of pets and property, “mind games,” or forcing isolation from friends, family, school, and/or work.

Financial Abuse

Attempting to make a person financially dependent by maintaining control over financial resources, stealing or withholding money, forcing a partner to work or denying them the right to work

Harassment + Stalking

Any pattern of behaviour that serves no purpose besides to harass, annoy or terrorize the victim.

If you have or are currently experiencing any of these things in a relationship, it’s time to talk to someone. Without help, the abuse will continue.

We work with individualscouples and families. Our therapists provide survivors of domestic abuse with tools and resources to manage or exit a relationship and deal with the consequences of a past relationship.

Our goal is to inspire survivors to

  • Repair self-esteem
  • Regain trust in healthy relationships
  • Understand their choices and take charge of decisions
  • Navigate the warning signs of domestic violence
  • Gain information and access to community support services
Our therapists can help perpetrators of violence recognize and change violent, abusive and controlling behaviour.

Our goal is to help perpetrators to:

  • Learn healthy ways to express themselves
  • Practice healthy behaviours patterns
  • Understand the damage to their relationship, themselves and others

Child abuse can come in many forms and creates psychological damage that lasts long after a hurt body has healed.

Luckily, children are resilient and working through the recovery process as early as possible can be vital to recovery.

Some forms of abuse include:

Physical Abuse

Involves physical harm and injury to a child due to deliberate physical force or action by a parent or caregiver or excessive physical punishment. It can include hitting, kicking, shaking, burning or any form of physical force.


When a caregiver fails to provide basic needs such as adequate food, sleep, safety, education, clothing or medical treatment. It can also include leaving a child alone or failing to provide adequate supervision.

Emotional Abuse

A pattern of behaviour that attacks a child’s emotional development and sense of self-worth. It can include excessive, aggressive or unreasonable demands that place expectations on a child beyond their capacity. It can include constant criticism, teasing, belittling, insulting, rejecting, ignoring or isolating the child.

Sexual Abuse

When a child is used for the sexual gratification of an adult or an older child. It includes sexual intercourse, exposing a child’s private areas, indecent phone calls, fondling for sexual purposes, watching a child undress for sexual pleasure, and allowing/forcing a child to look at or perform in pornographic pictures or videos or engage in prostitution.

The warning signs of child abuse and neglect aren’t always clear because everyone reacts differently to various experiences.

Some of the possible signs of child abuse include:

  • Fearful behaviour (nightmares, depression, unusual fears)
  • Unexplained abdominal pain, sudden onset of bed-wetting, or regression in toileting
  • Attempts to run away
  • Extreme sexual behaviour that’s developmentally inappropriate for the child’s age
  • Sudden changes in self-confidence
  • Headaches or stomach aches with no medical cause
  • Trouble at school
  • Passive or aggressive behaviour
  • Desperately affectionate behaviour or social withdrawal
  • Big appetite and stealing food
All types of abuse and neglect leave lasting scars.

Long term, child abuse survivors suffer greater mental health than physical health damage.

Experiencing any form of abuse will deny the child the tools needed to cope with stress and to learn new skills to become resilient, strong and successful. As they get older, survivors of child abuse may show learning difficulties, use drugs or alcohol, try to run away, refuse discipline, or abuse others.

By catching the problem as early as possible, both the child and the perpetrator can get the help they need.

What to Expect

We work with sexual assault survivors of all genders and ages. Sexual abuse counselling isn’t about reliving the trauma of what happened – it’s about reclaiming your sense of self in the aftermath.

Our therapists are trained in evidence-based therapeutic modalities such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness. Addressing negative thoughts and beliefs, practicing deep breathing and mind/body awareness when experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings associated with sexual abuse can reduce overall impact in the short, medium and long-term.

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Registered Psychologist EMDR Certified Children, Youth, Adults
Psychotherapist, Adults, Couples, Seniors
Psychotherapist, Registered Dance & Movement Therapist Children, Youth, Adults
Master’s Psychology & Social Work Registered Social Work – Direct Billing Adults, Couples
Mental Health Therapist – Peace River
Psychotherapist CCC, Children, Youth, Adults